New Hope Freewill Baptist Church

1734 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130

The Church that restores HOPE to the whole individual: Mind, Body, and Soul



“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”—Ephesians 6:18

 Prayer is direct communication with God, and it is imperative to a healthy spiritual life.   Through prayer we acknowledge God and his power.  By faith, we release our hurts and worries and lay them at the feet of God’s throne, confident that the Father himself will hear our prayers and faithfully answer them as he sees fit.

The New Hope family would like to demonstrate our LOVE to whomever will receive it.  We are standing by right now to pray with you for whatever you need. We want you to know that when you hurt, we hurt. And if we pray for one another, we will all be strengthened.

Please feel free to share anything that is on your mind. Our Prayer Warriors are here ready to pray for and believe God with you.  Just fill in the form below, and submit your request.  Get ready to experience the power of God in your life like never before.

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First Name
Last Name

Email Address


Prayer Request

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Answered Prayer Requests

5/13/04 - 15 computers and other office supplies donated to New Hope Christian Academy by Bryn Mawr Trust Co.

New clients for Divine Inspirations!

Sis Alison was accepted into McNair Program at Temple Univ.

New Students for NHCA

Health Insurance for Mo. Williams


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